Gradjevinske konstrukcije krovovi
Gradjevinske konstrukcije krovovi

Manufacturers of these structural elements provide data about its strength, mostly based. Strength calculation of such structures is a crucial design issue, and it represents a complex task because one must deal with thin-walled structures that have complicated cross-section shape. Profiled sheets are widely used in modern steel structures, either as cladding or as casing in composite structures. The research is supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. The Project is expected to have a multifold impact, in particular in the field of construction industry, as the proposed soil stabilisation technique is expected to enable the application of more economical and safer construction technology. In achieving the goal, the following aspects will be considered:ġ) Investigation of a number of chemical stabilisers, both materials known so far and new materials whose influence on the geomechanical properties of soil has not been investigated to date.Ģ) Verification of the effects of the proposed chemical electrokinetic soil treatment on the permanent improvement of the physical and mechanical properties of soil, which is of particular importance in geotechnical engineering, by scientific methods: a series of relevant laboratory tests, experiments in laboratory conditions, as well as field experiments (pilot projects) in order to test the effects of the proposed technique in real conditions.ģ)Ğxamination of the effects of this method of soil stabilisation on the physico-mechanical properties of soils both under static and dynamic conditions. The Project ElectroSoil is aimed at a development of a novel concept in the methodology of improving the geotechnical properties of ground, using a combined electrokinetic and chemical soil treatme nt, as a sustainable (fast, efficient, and reliable) in situ soil stabilisation method that can be performed in the field, both in preventive action for construction purposes and in remediation of existing geotechnical problems: landslides, foundation-soil bearing capacity, excessive settlement of the ground, excavation of deep foundations, tunnels, and other underground structures.

Gradjevinske konstrukcije krovovi